Spring Flowers – Daffodils

daffodils 2I was finally able to get photos of my blooming flowers (sunny and warm, yay!), so I spent a little time with them Tuesday after work.

I got a little carried away, so I think I’ll split it up, with the daffodils today, and the rest tomorrow.

All of these I planted myself, the fall after we bought the house, so, 2005 I think. I put in a row of daffies halfway down both sides of the sidewalk, grape hyacinths and crocus out in the yard under the crabapple trees and maples, and giant hyacinths in front of the bushes under the window and out in the garden area I put in under the locust tree in the front yard.

The daffodils love their spot! The three bulbs I planted in each hole originally have definitely reproduced. I meant to separate them last year and fill in the rest of the walk, but I just didn’t get around to it. Guess I should make the effort this year, before they start crowding each other out.


And I take pictures of them every year!

4 thoughts on “Spring Flowers – Daffodils

  1. Pingback: Spring Flowers – Hyacinths | Images of Lake County

  2. Pingback: And Just For Fun | Images of Lake County

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